Industrial Boiler Projects

China Energy Investment Corporation
- Model: WNS10-1.25-Q
- Project Location: Beijing, China
- Installation Date: September 2018
- Application: Heating Energy Industry
- Capacity: 10 ton per hour
- Rated Pressure: 1.25 Mpa
- Thermal Efficiency: >98%
- Heating Source: Oil and Natural Gas
Founded in 1995, Shenhua Group is a large-scale energy company with electricity and heat production and supply as its main business. With the expansion of production scale and in response to Beijing’s local environmental protection policy, the company plans to introduce 6 gas-fired boilers. With rich experience and professional technical solutions, Yongxing Boiler successfully won the bid and provided it with 6 WNS10-1.25-Q integrated condensing boilers. This boiler adopts a horizontal full wet back structure and a finned condenser, which greatly improves the thermal efficiency of the boiler, making it more than 100%. What’s better is that it has a time setting function. Users can freely set the start and stop time of the boiler according to their needs, which greatly facilitates the operation of workers.
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Tel: 0086-185-6889-5678
Factory: South Weilai Road, Taikang County, Zhou Kou City, China