Industrial Boiler Projects

oil gas vacuum hot water boiler

Shandong Diai Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Shandong Diai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer and seller of pharmaceutical intermediates. In response to the requirements of the local environmental protection policy, the company decided to replace the daily heating boilers and eliminate the old boilers. After inspecting a number of boiler manufacturers, the project leader finally handed over the project to Yongxing Boiler. Based on daily water consumption and heating demand, after careful calculation, Yongxing recommended a 700kw vacuum hot water boiler for it. This boiler runs under vacuum and there is no danger of explosion, so it is very safe. What’s better is that because the heating uses treated soft water, there will be no scaling, corrosion, etc., so the failure rate of the boiler is greatly reduced and the service life is greatly improved

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