Industrial Boiler Projects

1.05MW atmospheric hot water boiler

North International Group Jinjia Textile Import and Export Co., Ltd.

Heating is the most effective way to resist the cold. Therefore, a heating boiler that generates heat is essential. In response to the requirements of the local environmental protection policy, North International Group Jinjia Textile Import and Export Co., Ltd. decided to eliminate the original coal-fired heating boiler and install a new type of environmentally friendly and energy-saving boiler. After understanding the influence of Yongxing Boiler in the industry, the person in charge of the project decided to hand over this project to Yongxing and ordered a CWNS1.05-95/70-Q atmospheric hot water boiler. A flue gas condensation recovery device is installed at the tail of the boiler, which can effectively control the exhaust gas temperature of the boiler and improve the thermal efficiency. In addition, this boiler adopts a quick installation structure, which is very convenient for installation and transportation.

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